
Technology platform
Innovation, technology, integration and sharing
Traditional Chinese Medicine and Natural Medicine

The Natural Medicine Center of Traditional Chinese Medicine is mainly engaged in the research, transformation and development of new traditional Chinese medicines, classic famous prescriptions, prescriptions with the same name, in-hospital preparations, and comprehensive health products (health products, special medical foods, medical devices, etc.). It has pilot and scale-up production capabilities, and has production lines for various special preparations such as hydrogels, patches, ointments, and oils. Its quality center has established various separation technologies that can be used in large-scale production through traditional Chinese medicine extraction technology, quality standards, preparation molding research and traditional Chinese medicine fingerprints.

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丹巴县| 伊川县| 探索| 乐平市| 喀什市| 广安市| 浙江省| 平邑县| 铅山县| 金湖县| 东宁县| 丹凤县| 文登市| 姜堰市| 定陶县| 张家界市| 巴塘县| 广安市| 榆林市| 固阳县| 田林县| 平度市| 车致| 西吉县| 招远市| 潮安县| 衡水市| 四子王旗| 绥阳县| 华亭县| 贺州市| 金乡县| 通州市| 西盟| 仙居县| 梅州市| 视频| 西乌珠穆沁旗| 丰顺县| 千阳县| 望谟县|